Webflow vs Framer: Battle of the Website Platforms (AI Insight)

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

"A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!"

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

In today's digital age, websites play a crucial role in the success of businesses across industries. They serve as the online face of companies, providing a platform to showcase products, connect with customers, and generate leads. 

Revolutionising Website Building in the AI Era

As technology evolves, website builders have become invaluable tools for businesses of all sizes, empowering entrepreneurs and marketers to create professional websites without coding expertise.

However, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and the disruption of traditional workflows have presented new challenges for website builders. Businesses now demand platforms that seamlessly integrate AI capabilities, enabling them to leverage automation to accelerate outcomes, enhance user experiences and drive conversions on their live site. 

In this article, we will delve into two popular website building platforms, Webflow and Framer, to help you determine which one suits your business needs best.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a powerful website builder that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to create and manage professional websites. 

It combines the ease of visual design with the flexibility of code, allowing users to build visually stunning websites without sacrificing customisability. With its intuitive interface, Webflow caters to both designers and developers, making it a versatile platform for a wide range of users.

Webflow designer user interface

What is Framer?

Framer, on the other hand, is a design and prototyping tool focused on providing a seamless user experience through interactive and animated designs. It is specifically tailored for designers and UI/UX professionals who want to bring their creative visions to life with dynamic prototypes. 

Framer offers powerful animation tools, code-based customisation, and collaborative features that facilitate teamwork and iteration.

So, Which Tool to Use?

Now that we've introduced Webflow and Framer, let's dive into a detailed comparison of their key features, usability, pricing, customer reviews, integrations, and more. By examining each aspect, we aim to help you make an informed decision about which platform best suits your specific business requirements.

1. Usability: Finding the Right Fit

Usability is a critical factor to consider when selecting a website builder. 

Webflow User Experience

Webflow excels in this area with its user-friendly interface, intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and extensive library of pre-built templates, elements and components. Its visual design approach allows users to effortlessly create websites, adjust layouts, and style elements to their liking. However, beginners might find Webflow's learning curve slightly steeper due to its more advanced features.

Framer Usability 

Framer, on the other hand, boasts a sleek and modern interface that appeals to designers. Its design canvas provides a highly interactive environment for creating complex animations and prototypes. While Framer offers a robust toolkit, it positions itself the love-child of Figma and Webflow, offering one platform to design and develop in.

Framer position itself as Figma and Webflow's love child - quotes from social media

In terms of usability, the simple fact the Framer brings design and development into one interface without the need to export between files and use extensions or plugins, Framer wins for us! 

Weflow 0; Framer 1

2. Pricing: Finding the Right Value

Pricing is a significant consideration when selecting a website builder, especially for businesses with budget constraints. 

Webflow Pricing

Webflow offers a tiered pricing structure, starting from affordable plans for individuals and small businesses to more comprehensive options for larger enterprises. The pricing plans provide various features such as custom domains, enhanced hosting, and advanced CMS options, allowing users to scale their websites as their businesses grow.

With a recent price hike, Webflow has become significantly more expensive than in previous years (almost a 50% increase in fees for 2023), it’s still pretty reasonable. For the sake of a like-for-like comparison with Framer, lets ballpark standard CMS website hosting at $29 per month, including 3 Editor seats.

Framer Pricing

Framer, similar to Webflow, offers a tiered pricing model, albeit it a little more strict. The tiered pricing accounts for various factors like website traffic, CMS items and users.

On first glance, it appears like a slightly cheaper alternative with pro hosting (equivalent to Webflow’s CMS hosting) coming in around $25 per month, however, you soon get caught in the trap of adding Editor seats. For the equivalent 3 seats that you get with Webflow, Framer’s monthly hosting cost comes in around $70, so whilst it might save a few pennies for sites with one editor, it can quickly get expensive for teams.

While it offers a generous feature set, it may not be the most cost-effective solution for budget-conscious users or businesses that don't require extensive prototyping capabilities.

Considering its flexible pricing options catering to different business sizes, Webflow emerges as the winner in this category; 1:1.

3. Integrating AI: Empowering Designers and Developers

In the ever-evolving landscape of website building, embracing AI and leveraging automation is crucial for businesses to stay ahead. 

Webflow and Framer are actively (or not so actively in one case) incorporating AI capabilities into their platforms, enabling users to harness the power of automation, data-driven insights, and smart design features. 

Webflow - Teasing AI

Webflow recognises the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionising website design and development, however, despite its ability to enhance user experiences and streamline workflows, the implementation of AI-driven features within the Webflow platform has been relatively slow. 

webflow & AI graphic

In their Webflow AI release, they discuss the power of AI and highlight the promising applications of it in the Webflow designer, such as:

  • Personalised assistance
  • Instant multi-language translations
  • Content generation and improvements
  • Auto-generation of SEO settings based on content
  • Auto-generation of image alt tags to improve accessibility
  • Custom Code generation based on a prompt

However, they also call it ‘early days’ and we’re yet to see any of this available to designers and developers.

Framer - Embracing AI 

Framer, on the other hand, excels in the integration of AI, going all in on complete website generation from a single prompt! They claim “From raw idea to a real page in seconds” and advocate that the more details you provide, the better the output - as with anything in AI.

screenshot of Framer's website announcing the integration of AI

Framer is lightyears ahead of Webflow with regard to AI implementation and are a true example of getting ahead of the curve. They’re seen an opportunity to leverage emerging technology and they’re rolled with it!

When it comes to AI, Framer wins hands down, simply due to the fact they they’re actually using it and making it actively available for end user. Webflow has some serious catching up to do in this space! 1:2 

4. Customer Reviews & Feedback: Insights from Users

To gain a better understanding of user experiences, it's essential to examine customer reviews and feedback for both Webflow and Framer.

Webflow Reviews

Whilst Webflow has garnered praise for its robust design capabilities, flexibility, and the ability to create visually stunning websites, they have been heavily criticised for their support. 

Users appreciate responsive design features, extensive template library, and the option to export code for further customisation, however, if you run into errors or issues, don’t expect to receive a quick reply to any attempt to ask for help!

Webflow TrustPilot reviews showing 2.2 stars

Despite the platform boasting a customer support and community resources area, many users have been left alone to navigate any challenges they may encounter.

Framer Reviews

Similarly, Framer has also been praised for its robust design capabilities, powerful prototyping capabilities and the ability to create highly interactive and realistic designs. It’s biggest plus is the fact that everything is in one interfacte; design, prototyping, development and animation.

However, it doesn’t present itself too well on TrustPilot (just like its counterpart!) With a marginally higher score than Webflow, we’re not convinced users are 100% full of praise… some users have expressed that Framer's learning curve can be steep, that it lacks code flexibility or as in the example below, it’s not the mst SEO friendly, triggering lots of sad faces for Google-lovers.

Framer TrustPilot reviews showing 3.5 stars

Considering the overall customer sentiment, and the fact that anything that doesn’t get 4 or 5 stars is only average in our eyes, it has to be a draw on this one! 2:3

5. Integrations: Expanding Capabilities with Third-Party Tools

Integrations play a vital role in extending the functionality and capabilities of website builders. 

Webflow Integrations

Webflow offers a range of integrations, including popular marketing tools, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, analytics platforms, chrome extensions and e-commerce solutions. This enables users to seamlessly connect their websites with the tools they rely on for marketing, data analysis, and online sales.

Framer Integrations

Framer, although primarily focused on design and prototyping, also offers integrations with collaboration and project management tools such as Slack and Jira, not to mention design and marketing platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Eventbrite, the list goes on. 

“There’s everything you need from forms to media and utilities.”

These integrations facilitate teamwork, allowing designers to collaborate effectively with developers and stakeholders throughout the design process, as well as embed crucial elements to gather leads, play media, sell products and more.

screenshot of Framer UI showing integrations panel

In terms of integrations, both platforms offer an exciting arrany of extensions that enhance capabilities and cater to a wide range of business needs - we think it may be a draw; 3:4.

Which website tool should you use?

So from the categories above, Framer narrowly pipped Webflow to the post with 4 wins to 3. But it’s not quite as simple as that…

Who is Webflow Best For?

Webflow is an ideal choice for individuals, small businesses, and even larger enterprises that prioritise a visually appealing website with the ability to customise code. 

It caters to both designers and developers, offering a balance between ease of use and advanced functionality. With its vast template library, responsive design capabilities, and extensive integrations, Webflow empowers users to create professional websites that meet their unique requirements.

Who is Framer Best For?

Framer is best suited for designers and UI/UX professionals who prioritise creating interactive and animated designs. It excels in prototyping and offers a powerful set of animation tools and customisation options. For developers, it may feel a little basic. 

Framer is a preferred choice for those who want to push the boundaries of design and create immersive user experiences, not to mention, keep everything in one platform.

Which is Best for Your Business?

Both Webflow and Framer are exceptional website building platforms with their unique strengths. 

If you value a user-friendly interface, extensive customisation options, and a balance between visual design and code-level control, Webflow is the clear winner. It caters to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced developers, offering flexibility and scalability.

On the other hand, if you prioritise interactive and animated designs, want to create highly immersive user experiences, and are [erhaps more talented in design than development, Framer is the platform for you.

Ultimately, the best platform for your business depends on your specific needs, priorities and skillset. Consider factors such as usability, pricing, top features, customer reviews, and integrations, but also evaluate your own skill level, design requirements, and budget to make an informed decision.

Just a heads up, some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, meaning we may make a small commission on any sign-ups or purchases for the tools we recommend.

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